Interviewed by: Scott Taylor *
Special thanks to Justin McShane and Lester Maslow for assisting with this
Prediction.....Julie Scanlon will become the greatest
female powerlifter of all time!
Q: Can you give the readers some background
information about yourself?
JS: My name is Julie
Scanlon. I graduated from Salisbury State University with a degree in
exercise science.
I have been competing for the past three years. I am currently a personal
trainer at a
Gold's Gym.
Q: How did you get your start in powerlifitng?
JS: While I was attending
college, I met a friend of mine who was an amateur bodybuilder and
also did some powerlifting.
I trained with him for awhile and he introduced me to his coach.
Q: What has been your greatest accomplishment
in the sport?
JS: My greatest accomplishments
are all the national contests that I have been at and the 1996
Junior Worlds.
Q: What has been your most favorable and
least favorable moments in the sport?
JS: My most favorable
moment was when I benched 200 and squatted 400 in a competition.
Q: How did you become involved with the APA?
JS: There was a local
contest that was held at the Gym I work at. I decided to enter the
Q: Is there any advice you would like to
give a lifter entering her/his first competition?
JS: Make sure that
you have everything packed the night before.
Q: How many days a week do you train and
what strategy do you utilize as a competition nears?
JS: I train 4 or 5
days during the week. I utilize the percentage method.
Q: How do you train in the off season?
JS: I train the same
as if I am getting ready for a contest but with more volume.
Q: How far do you plan to go in the sport?
JS: I want to bench
300 pounds and then go from there.
Q: What are your interests outside of the
JS: I want to succeed
at my job and also to hang out with my friends.
Q: Do you think that single event meets ie: Bench
Press only, contribute to the growth of our
sport or hamper it's growth?
JS: I think that it
will contribute to the growth of this sport. It gives a lifter a
chance to
practice. It will
also help them learn for bigger and better contests.
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