Rickey Dale Crain Talks Back to the Media

We've all seen the barrage of androstenedione realated news stories in the media. We've also see attempts by the FDA to make most of the nutritional supplements taken by powerlifters and our bodybuilding/  weightlifting brethren controled substances.  Apparently Rickey Dale Crain has hadit with biased coverage in the media. Enclosed is an excerpt from an email he sent to MSNBC.

From: RICKEY DALE CRAIN = <crain@ionet.net>
To: sports@msnbc.com
Subject: banned

Dear sirs....

TheIOC has pretty much banned everything under the sun; hundreds of over thecounter cold, asthma and other medications are illegal as well as numerous herbs. The list is virtually endless

As a world class athlete in powerlifting I have had to endure the embarrassing and  ridiculous scrutiny of similar type organizations.

The average public utilizes these same type products throughout their lifetime with  no side effects.The fda and some sports organizations are furious  because they have have not been able to completely bring food and food supplements under their Orwellian domination.They have been  trying for 20 years to make vitamins a prescription product. I know  they are simply out to make sure that bottle of power ranger vitamins doesn't do me in.

FDA/IOC/NCAA etc.......GET A LIFE and quit trying to control peoples lives!

HEY MEDIA....let's be on the people's side...not big  government or such.

Rickey Dale Crain
4-time world  powerlifting champion