Westside/Louie Simmons  Frequently Asked Questions

Note:  Before trying this or any other training or exercise system please consult your physician for clearance. Also, please be advised the powerlifting is or can be a dangerous sport. The lifting of limit or near limit weights can result in severe injury.
Use caution, use a spotter and never train alone.
Due to the volume of email I have received asking for a further explanation of some of Louie's Special exercises I have added this page. I hope it helps !!! I will do my best to try and explain the exercises BUT some of them require visual input. If $$$ allow, I highly recommend Louie's video series as most of the exercises are demonstrated. I'm going to try to add a  few pictures  so there will be some visual input here as well. 

What exactly is the Louie's "System" and how does it differ from other methods of training?
In Louie's system you don't push up big numbers in the squat, bench or regular deadlift in training. Rather, you use a series of exercises that work the target muscles in a 'whole is greater than the sum of it's  parts' scheme. For instance, most of his lifters NEVER perform regular deadlifts off the floor but perform max lifts in different squatting and pulling movements. His current recommendation for bench pressing calls for only 55% of your 1 repetition max to be performed for 8-10 sets if 3 reps. However, on the second day you generally will work up to one rep maxes on exercises that hit the same muscles you use when benching.
Basically the bench press and squat/deadlift are worked over a 4 day period during a week. Two days are called the dynamic (speed) day and the other days are devoted to the conjugate method (max effort) day. On the dynamic day, a percentage of your one rep max is used to work the bench press or the box squat ( more on this later). This day is dedicated to building bar speed and generating tons of compensatory acceleration-literally generating far more force than is necessary to lift the weight that is on the bar.  These dynamic days allow you to perfect form and technique, as well. The other days are dedicated to simply lifting a ton of weight. A direct quote from Louie in the August issue of PLUSA, "To get very strong, you must lift a very heavy weight on this day. It may take a second and a half or so to complete the lift, but this is how a muscle contracts maximally, which builds strength". You will, for the most part, pick an exercise and work your way up to a maximum effort single. This will be repeated for 3-5 weeks or until you can no longer set a personal record. Then you switch exercises. This stops you from getting burned out by using the sam exercises week after week and keeps you setting PRs (very good for motivation) and keeps you lifting weights that are at or  above 90% without burning out after a few weeks.

How should I set up my routine?
First you need 72 hours between your dynamic and conjugate days. For example at Westside they do the Bench speed day on Sunday, the Sq/Dl max effort day on Monday, the Bench max effort day on Wednesday and the Squat speed day on Friday.  Pick you days whenever you can but try to stick to the 72 hour rule. If you tend to overtrain easily then maybe you can spread it out a bit. I know a couple of guys that can only get in 3 training days per week and are making very good progress.
Bench press
  1. 10 sets of 3 with 50-55% of your contest max (with a shirt) 
    -use 60% if you compete without a bench shirt.
  1. 45-60 seconds  rest between sets.
  2. As your tris get stronger add chains to the bar to increase

  3. the weight lifted in the upper 1/2 of the movement
  4. @20 reps out of 200 are performed with a weight above the 

  5. training weight i.e. add 20-50 lbs to training weight. BAR 
Triceps 60 reps with dumbbells  broken into roughly 6 sets of 10
or 40 reps with a barbell
Front, side and rear delts
Lat work 4-5 sets
Hammer curls
Reverse hypers 2-4 sets of 20
Abs Weighted ab work.
Note: delt and lat work are done by feel. Always try to do more 
work in a short period of time. Set a goal of an hour.
 Click here for a list of tricep exercises.


Floor Presses* Work your way to a max single effort.
Again - 4-5 special exercises-total- for the 
triceps, upper back, delts and lats
Again,  try to do more 
work in a short period of time. 
Abs -  Heavy weighted ab work
Reverse Hypers 2-4 sets of 20
* Exercise picked from rotating pool of core exercises
Click here for list of max effort day exercises.


 Zercher Squats* Work your way to a max single
10-15 sets of lat and upper back work
Reverse Hypers 4- sets of 10
* Exercise picked from rotating pool of core exercises
Click here for list of max effort day exercises and comments.


Box Squat 8-12 sets of 2 45-75 seconds rest between sets.
These are on a below parallel (1.5-2") box .
Arched Back Good Mornings 3 sets of 3-8 reps
Back Raises (Hyperextensions) 3 sets of 10-15
Reverse Hypers 4 sets of 10
Heavy Abs
Seated Calves 4 sets of 10
Click here for comments/guidelines for box squat day..

Should I use my regular contest grip for my benches?
No. Generally all sets are done with the hands inside the rings. I like  18-26". Louie also recommends using 3 different close grips or 2 closer than your contest grip and  one wider.

What is a zercher squat?
Zercher squats are performed by setting a bar in the rack at about stomach height. Take the bar in the crooks of your elbows-use a towel or some padding- suck up a breath, push abs against your belt, step back and set up as if to do a squat. Squat down until the bar touches the tops of the thighs. Then stand up. Keep pushing knees out and butt back as in a box squat. Remember to try to keep as upright as possible and to keep the back tight, driving the head back and hips forward on the ascent. The bar will tend to pull you forward. These really work the abs, glutes, hams and BACK.

What is a kneeling squat?
Now, kneeling squats are pretty simple. You set the bar low in the cage, crawl under on your knees and take it out of the rack. Then you "squat". Try to touch your butt to the floor. Make sure you force the hips forward as you come up. I think louie recommends higher reps (6-10) on these so as not to kill the knees. Use a pad under your knees I usually "appropriate" one from the aerobics room !

What are Paul Dicks presses and Paul Dicks presses on the floor?

Paul Dicks Presses are normally performed on a bench. Lower the bar ,under control, to the chest approximately 1-2" above the nipples . Just as the bar touches the chest let the elbows roll UP and BACK toward the face and the wrists fall back toward the throat. This stops shoulder rotation and places most of the stress on the triceps. Then press the bar up in a STRAIGHT line. The fists should lead. This is pretty hard to picture.
They can also be done on the floor. You lower the bar until the upper arms hit the floor, then let the wrists fall back and proceed as above.

What are 1/4 dips ?
These are dips performed with a box under the feet which limits the range of motion to the top 3-8 inches or so. These primarily hit the triceps and help with the lockout. Hold at the top and squeeze the tris. It helps to keep your head up and the torso as erect as possible.

On your close grip bench lockouts how many set/reps did you perform ?
These were done for singles (after warmups) to a max single each session. The first week the movement was only 2". Each week for the next four weeks the bar was lowered 1". In week 5 the lockout was 6 inches. If your cage does not have one inch hole spacing you may have to take some boards to the gym to raise/lower the bench.

What are plate raises ?
Plate raises are just like front dumbbell raises except you use a plate held in both hands.

I just wanted to ask about the implementation of two things I read of in Louie's old columns in PL USA, namely board and floor press. Is the size of the board varied? What general dimensions are good (length, width etc.)?

Yes, they use 2"x6" boards stacked one on top of the other. Two and three high. I believe you use two boards with a wide grip and three with a narrow grip. Louie covered this in the August 97 PLUSA. As far as the length goes just make it short enough so that it doesn't pinch your hands when you use a close grip. I learned this the hard way!!

Is the idea to do a contest pause, or touching on the floor press - I read that they do a narrow and a wider grip, but is the bar pressed as soon as the arms touch the floor, or is it paused?
Yes, pause these.

Should I pause the reps on my bench speed day?
No. These should be lowered quickly but  under "control" and then lifted as fast as possible. No bouncing or otherwise cheating!

Should I do lots of crunches to build my abs?
No. The goal here is to build strong as. Weighted crunches are good as are weighted cable sit ups, leg raises, spread eagle weighted sit ups, reverse crunches. Louie also  mentioned a type of Zercher sit up in which you sit on the edge of a bench holding a bar Zercher style and then bend forward as far as you can. This should really hit the abs as well as the low back. The main thing is to get your abs, obliques and low back as strong as possible.

I was doing a copy-cat Westside work-out for my max effort day but seemed to have lost some power off the bottom...I was probably missing something.
Power out of the bottom can be solved first off with a better bench shirt. Second the floor press is great for this. So is decline presses or high rep dumbbell presses (20). A cycle of 3 weeks of each should help. Increase your lat work. This plays a major role out of the bottom. Not pull downs but some kind of rowing motion (chest supported is best)

 Since I don't get the chance to compete very often do you think I should max out every 8 weeks?

 Should I do this with a shirt?

Should I max out (in the bench press) on the max effort day?

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
When you bench make sure you keep your shoulder blades pulled together and drive them into the bench. Pull as much air in your chest as possible and don't breath out until the lift is completed (you can do this only for three reps tops). Try to push your stomach up as high as possible while you bench  as well.  Bring the bar to your lower chest and press in a straight line.

What are some goals for the floor press, illegal grip for 5 reps, board press, etc. for a lifter striving to bench 550-600 in a meet.
This is different for everyone and really should not matter because it is a max effort day. You should only be trying to break your old record. As far as goals go I view them as nothing more than setting limitations, just strive to be as strong as you can.  As far as 550 to 600 bench I can say my best floor press close grip is 500 and my best bench in a meet is 585. I think Louie did 540 floor press with a 600 bench.  The carry over is a bad way to predict your bench.  Example: Kenny Patterson spent one year breaking all his records but could not get a good bench in a meet. He was using the wrong exercises for his weak points. You see if your records keep getting stronger on a lift that works your weak point of your lift then what happens? It no longer is your weak point
something else is.

Regarding pulling sleds or weights for assistance to the deadlift or squat?  What are you using to figure out how much weight to pull?
It should not be too heavy. You will know if it is.

Are you pulling in place of squat or deadlift or as assistance?
 No, the sled is done after the workout or in another workout by itself.

 How far, how many sets etc.?  of course, I would like guidance within the framework of the Westside program as this is what I follow? 
 The Sled work is best done in a separate workout. I use the sled five days a week for around 30 min per workout. I don't know how you pull the sled but we use it a multiple of ways some for the upper body  and some for the lower body. The conventional way to pull the sled in with a belt around the waist. I do this 2x a week once heavy (5 plates) and once light (2 or 3 plates). Another lower body exercise I do a lot of is to strap another strap through  the sled pulling sled strap and put this strap around my  ankles.
    Then you drag the sled. This is great for the hams, hip flexors and abs. I do this 4 times a week starting heavy and cutting to 60% for each workout. For example my Monday weight is 100 pounds. Tuesday weight is 60. Wed 40 pounds and Friday 25 pounds. I will increase the trips with the lower weight. [each trip is around 40 yards]. I use the double straps for my upper body  work as well except instead of putting it around my ankles I will grab it and walk while doing front raises, rear raises or whatever. Be creative. I will use many different upper body  pulls [around 15] in a week but only do around 4 in a workout] I do the upper body pulls everyday except the day before my speed bench.
     Keep in mind this is what I have worked up into doing. Start by doing 2 sled workout a week with 4 exercises.
    Also remember the sled training is used as restoration so don't kill your self with it. Let it do what it is intended to do and that is to recover faster from you other training.

 1. Outside of the obvious friction reduction, what advantage(s) does a sled have over weight plates (when dragging, pulling, etc.)?
A:None except the wear and tear on the weight plate and strap.

* 2. Do you feel the tendon/ligament strengthening effect of bench press lockouts is more effective than floor or board presses?
This could be possible, but when doing a rack lockout it is hard to push the bar in the same grove you bench in.

* 3. Would you characterize the performance of a J.M. press as the top half of a Paul Dicks press, or is it different?
The JM press is really a cross between a tricep extension and close grip bench press.

* 4. Why the triceps pushdowns in lieu of barbell/dumbell movements?
I'm not sure of the question?

* 5. Is it advantageous to perform calf/ham/glute raises w/ a static hold at peak contraction?
Yes. You should try to pause at the top and lower yourself in a controlled fashion. The tempo should be around 2 sec. Concentric. 1 sec static and 4 sec. Eccentric.

* 6. Do you personally get any results from the stability ball press w/dumbbells or barbell?
Dumbbell by far are better. I have done them with a barbell and it turned out to be too easy. Plus it is very hard to get the bar out of the rack.

* 7. Do you personally get any results from the nylon supported/hanging dumbbell/barbell presses?
We did these for a while and I don't think it was worth the time setting everything up.

 I have been using your methods for some time now and have made some great gains.  However, a friend of mine suggested I compete in a heavier wieght class.  Using the Westside workouts I seem to get stronger but my wieght stays the same.  Do you have any suggestions on how I could
tailor my workout to increase muscle mass without straying to far from the original workout?  Any advice would be appreciated.
Two things should be done. Try to incorporate some higher rep work on your assistance exercises and increase you daily calorie intake. Using Good mornings and low and high box squats for max effort work is also effective in increasing body weight.

 * 1. For my tricep work, I've been cycling through barbell tri extensions, dumbell tri ext and JM presses (2 weeks of each) on my bench speed day. On my bench max effort day, I've been doing either incline or decline db presses. Do you think this is ok or should I bag the db presses and go with more the direct tri work?
 Your max effort work should be some type of floor press, board press, or other barbell work. The dumbbell work should be done only every third mini-cycle. The tricep exercise your doing should be done after the main max effort exercise.

* 2. I've been using green bands on my bench speed day. Would maxing out with the bands be a good max effort day exercise?  (I haven't invested in chains yet)
The use of chains and/ or bands on the max effort day is always a good idea.

* 3. I thought I read somewhere that Louie Simmons recommended doing one-legged squats...if so could you give me some details (ie. max effort exercise, special exercise, reps, sets, etc).
This is an assistance exercise that is designed to isolate the glutes and hamstrings

* 4. Including warm-up, how long should my work-outs be? I currently run between 75 and 90 minutes, 4 times per week.
60 minutes at the most.

 Box squats and all the lower back work has done great things for my lifts.  The only problem I got is I'm very unstable and shaky coming out of the jack stands, but once I get set and take a deep breath I feel comfortable.
 Take a breath and push out on your belt before you take the weight out of the racks. Hold your air until you are set  up then take in a new breath of air and get retight. The reason you are shaky is because you are not tight to begin with.  I have the same problem. My reason is because I get to excited before I squat so I forget to get tight. I had (and still have to) learn to focus my attention on the task at hand and not try to get so wound up.

 Dave, On speed day I'm doing the 50-60% 10x2 on a low box for squats. On max effort day I'm doing triples up to a heavy single (up to 100+%) on a box slightly above parallel. I do the lower back exercises (good mornings, hypers, reverse hypers etc.) afterwards. I think maybe I need to do an additional squat type exercise on max effort day. All I have is a power rack and free weights to work with. My max squat is 485 in the 220 masters class. Would like to break 500 in the spring. What would be a good max effort squat routine for me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
 You need to get away from the squat on max effort day for awhile. Remember you should try to switch your max effort exercise every two to three weeks. Try good mornings, pin pulls, and good morning squats. Good luck and let me know.

 Is it a must to max out on the box I use for box squatting?
 Not really ,but it does give you of good idea of where you are. You will find your own carry over this way. For example if you squat 600 on the box and meet squat 700, then you have a 100 pound carry over. This carry over is almost always the same so if you then box squat 640 then you should still get the same 100 pound carry over.

Or is it enough to train with the 50-60% of the meet max? If I max out on the box, should I recalculate the % or stick with the 50-60%?
Stick with the same percent.

 I believe my triceps strength (or lack thereof) is holding my bench press back (my PR is about 250 at a BW of 190).  How can I tell if my triceps are weak relative to other muscles?  For instance, I can barbell curl 90 pounds for at least six reps, but on lying triceps extensions, I can only handle about 75 pounds for six reps. Since the triceps are a larger muscle group than biceps, shouldn't I be able to use more weight for triceps extensions than curls?
 Yes you should. How can you tell if your triceps are weak relative to other body parts? Well, you just told me they were. If you can't lock out barbells then your triceps are weak relative to other body parts. My tricep extension is around 300 to 350 for 3 and I can't curl 135 for one with out cheating. Just worry about if you power lifts are getting stronger because when all is said and  done this is what really matters, and always work those triceps . Good luck.

 I'm interested in developing my delts - hence I feel that I need to up my behind the neck press.
 Why do you feel you need to bring up this exercise? The behind the neck press is very hard on the shoulder joint complex. It would be much better to do presses in front of the head or dumbbell presses.
To bring up your delts try upper body sled dragging or a special exercise from the university of washington. Grab a pair of weight plates (Try to start with 10,s) perform 20 front raises followed by 20 side raises followed by 20 bent over raises. Don't take any rest time between exercises.

Any suggestions for increasing my overhead power?
The push press or dumbbell clean and press.

 I have been doing rack lockouts on my max effort bench day. What process do you use when doing rack lockouts (warmups, pin settings, etc.).  Thanks for your help.

 We use all different pin settings and grips. Warms are mostly singles or triples. We have found that the board press and floor press work better than the pins. We haven't done pin presses for two years.

 Is bicep work important?
A: Not really, but I do it once a week. Mostly reverse curls because this seems to work where I get sore a lot from squatting.

 If so which day of your basic workout is it done?
 When ever.

 Same question for Lat work.
 Lats are done any where between 2 to 4 times a week. Lats are very important for bench stabilization.

 I just ordered a sled from Louie. Considering that I am a beginner, how would I work in the program with the sled?
At the end of every work out. 

  I just bought a reverse hyper machine. By the time I get it delivered I will be 9 weeks out from a meet. I squat on sun, dl on Tues., and do lower back work on Thur.. when should I incorporate the reverse hypers into this routine?
 4 times a week. 2 heavy for sets of 6 to 8 reps (best done on sq and dl days) and 2 light days 1 to 2 sets 15 (best done on bench days).

 It says that on speed day, 20 out of 200 reps are to be done with greater than 55%. What does this mean? I am going to do 155 lbs. on my speed bench day (yeah, my bench kinda sucks) for 8 sets of 3. So, should I make one set per week at more weight? If so, how much more? Should I be trying to go for a 3RM here?
  The 200 reps refer to the actual training weight. Since you do 8 sets of 3, this is 24 reps. Over a period of 8 weeks this is close to 200 reps. This means 20 reps out of 8 weeks should be over your training percent. This can be for 5 reps , 3 reps or 1 rep. If you work up to a weight after your sets , and you use 225, you may do 265x3, 285x3 and 305x3. This would be 9 reps over your training weight. If you choose you can work up with singles. You should work up on the days you feel good. You do not need to work up every workout and this is done on speed day.  Remember to
never miss a weight, just work up.

 With the box squat day I have trouble maintaining the 45 sec. rest period between sets when the weights get to 57.5- 60.0% of contest max.  Is the time factor or weight factor more important for box squatting?
  Both. When you get to the last week of you wave you should increase the time to 60 seconds. If this is still to hard then you are out of shape.  Matt Dimel used to do his sets with 700 pounds on a 10 inch box with 45 to 60 seconds without any real problems. We have a new guy in our guy. He is about 350 all muscle. His first workout (425 with a triple looped blue band)  he could barely make it through his sets. He was having problems with cramping and fatigue before he even started his sets. He ended his workout after 6 or 7 sets and stayed on the floor for around 30 minutes. We knew his problem was that his was very unfit. 
Louie had him break his training into two workouts. He was to do  his main exercise in the morning then come back latter and do his reverse hypers and abs. He also had him dragging every day. After four weeks he now is using 545 with a triple looped blue band along with a double looped green band. After his sets he does reverse hypers and abs. This is a long way in four weeks. We feel he should be able to squat 975 in February. When Louie wrote about GPP work, this is the kind of
results he was talking about. We believe that every athlete can benefit from GPP work.

 During your unload week when you do Dumbbell or bar work for reps.  1) Do you do your speed work during that week also?
Yes, we do the dumbbell presses on the max effort day. We try to do 3 sets of 20 reps with about five minutes rest between sets. After this we will do some tricep and shoulder work.

 2) Does the rep work replace the max effort work for that day?
 3) How often do you use a mini cycle of reps?
About every third mini-cycle.

4) For a sticking point in the middle portion of your bench, what is the best work to eliminate this weakness? 
The two board press (use two 2x4 boards) with chains or bands seems to work this best. Make sure to pause on the board and push the bar in a straight line.

5) What are some suggestions to increase strength in the middle part of your back for deadlift?
Good mornings and reverse hypers. If you do these to you cover both aspects of the lower back (arching and bending)

 Is a zercher squat a replacement for front squats?
 It is another special exercise to be used on max effort day. It is not as good as the front squat. The front squat is a great exercise because of the arch you have to keep through out the movement. The zercher squat in my opinion is a waist of time. First off you can't use any kind of weight because your arms fail before you ever tax yourself. Second you have to be
very flexible to get under the bar. Third, I have never seen it make a difference in any one. Forth, it is the easy way out. I say this because compared to other exercises such as low box squats and good mornings it really is no workout. The seated Zercher squat is a great exercise for the
abs. This is best done not as a max effort exercise but as a set and rep exercise. We will do multiple sets of around 5 or ten reps.

I've tried pause squats with some great success, but once my body adapted, the progress stopped. Can I cycle box squats with pause squats or should I focus on box squats?
Focus on the box squats because they are more effective because they break the eccentric- concentric chain where the pause squat is static with out any release. This release is intended to create an explosive reaction that will create a more powerful squat.

 I am giving the 3x3 workout by Stephan Korte a try.  Being new to "pure" powerlifting, I would appreciate your opinion of this system.  I am definitely making gains, but I am wondering if the lack of assistance exercises is going to hurt me in the long run.  Do I need to add exercises
to have a  more " well rounded"  strength or am I going through withdrawals from the bad advice of people who are more concerned with bodybuilding?
 You asked me about a specific training program from powerlifting  usa. I just read it and this is my opinion. 
  1. Why did he write the same article three different ways? Was his concept ever explained?
  2. He mentioned similarities to Louie's program of having no off season. When you do a prep period this is an off season. Would someone be ready to compete after phase 1?
  3. His percent range is way off. He mentions 58-64% range. % of what? It is not your true max, he told you to add 25 pounds to your lift. (This brings up another point. Am I to believe I can put 25 pounds on my squat every 8 weeks on this program. What is this a year? 150 or so pounds? ) When you take a percent of a weight you have not lifted yet, is it really the prescribed percent?
  4. He mentioned not needing  assistance exercises, because the squat will train the squat muscles. Well, the squat does not fail the squat, muscle fails the squat. If you have a weak lower back then you will fall forward with heavy weights. If you train under his way the only way to increase your lower back strength  is to squat. But because of this weakness you are falling forward so you learn to squat forward. You never fixed the problem only compensated with different form. This will only work only for so long. This is why so many people get sticking points and hurt.
  5. Training each lift 3 times a week.  You grow and get stronger while resting and with restoration. He speaks of Olympic lifters who squat six times a week. He fails to mention many off these work outs are intended to help the restoration process, and also fails to mention all the other restoration that goes on (massage, supplements, diet, naps, steams, whirlpools, drugs, etc.). I use 5 workouts a week that are intended only  for restoration purposes.
  6. He mentions in phase 1 that reps of 5 and six are to build mass. Most everybody knows this to be false. It takes more reps than this.
  7. There are three ways to increase muscle tension.  1. Lifting sub maximal weights at fast speed  2. Lifting maximal weights for 1-3  reps , and 3 . Lifting submaximal weights to failure. His system seem to only use one of these methods (2)
  8. He mentions in order to get strong in  the squat you need  " Quads, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors and the lower back"  Then he mentions that leg presses will do little for your squat. Leg presses work your quads, this is the first muscle on his list. Is he saying the quads may not be that important? This is contradicting himself. We have found that it is the hamstrings that do the most not the quads, He also fails to mention the abs. This is the most important muscle in the squat. To prove this have anybody start training their abs very heavy for 3 to 4 times a week and watch their squat jump.
  9. As mentioned before this is not a high volume workout. Compare the workload to that of a bodybuilding workout. If anything it is a low volume high intensity workout. I would have to question any program  designed by someone who doesn't know basic strength terms.
  10. Who is he anyway and who has he trained?

Some of this may be ranting but it seems to me people are trying to attach Louie's name to their training programs, when there are no similarities. Why do they do this but to try to add credibility to their program. WE all know that creditability is earned not given. A successful training program will bring its own creditability.
There is no such thing as a bad program, and I am sure this may work for some. I am just trying to show some of its short comings.

 I am a little confused about the max effort day, I thought you only maxed out every 8 weeks , but someone told me that you try a new max on a given exercise every max day........  Could you help me with this?
 You only max out every eight weeks on your main exercises (squat, bench press). On one day each week, for each lift,  you max out on what we call a special max effort exercise. For the squat this exercise can be some kind of good morning, deadlift, or a low or high box squat. We also do these exercises with a wide variety of different bars (cambered, safety squat, buffalo, etc.) and will some times use jump stretch bands or chains. For the bench the max effort exercises could be the board press, floor press, pin press, close grip inclines, decline press, band press, etc. This day is
separate from our training of the squat and bench.
